Remember to view your contracts carefully. Sometimes on a set, everything happens at
once. If I can suggest some things that might help you, I will.
First of all arrive 3o minutes early to the set. Check in with the Production Assistant and
introduce yourself. They will kindly ask if you want something to drink, water, tea,
coffee and perhaps donuts. Be nice, but turn that stuff down and ask to be introduced to
the Makeup / Hair/Wardrobe department, where you will introduce yourself and ask what
time they would like to work on you. Please remember guest and co-stars are usually the
first to film, so you want to get ready fast.
Once in your trailer, it gets busy. First get into your costume, and then almost
immediately, there will be a knock on your door with someone handing you a contract.
Read the contract; if there is something you do not understand …CALL your agent or
That said, remember, Agents and Managers work very hard for a fraction of money, so be
generous to them, because 70% of something is better then 0%. So, be appreciative and
speak kindly, this is a small business world. I got 35 adults and children work. They all
grew up and used their money for college tuitions.
(Toni Attell has acting and improvisation classes in the Valley and can be reached at 818-